Serenity Sessions
For families in need of
mental & emotional support
during Covid - 19
2020 has brought many, if not all of us, a lot more than we bargained for. To best support families in need, I'm offering mini-sessions for those who are pressed for time or resources. This is an opportunity for you to share your struggles and get on-the-spot feedback and support, all within 30 minutes.
If you feel...
The amount of times you are being triggered is increasing
Like you want to cry for no reason
A nervous twitch starting at the word "homeschool"
You are trying your best but nothing is improving
Communications are becoming miscommunications
Guilt about your management of your home, career, or emotions
You have forgotten where your exhaustion ends and you begin
Your mind is an endless train of thoughts
... let's talk. You are not alone. You are simply human.
All sessions will be tailored to support your needs in the present moment. Parents, I'm especially passionate about supporting teens in times of challenge, so please know that this offer is for them, as well.
Send me a note here to set up your FREE 30 min. consultation and we'll go from there ❤